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Looking for Guelph personal injury lawyers?

Following a serious injury, whether it is a brain, spinal cord, orthopaedic or psychological injury, your legal entitlements are likely the furthest thing from your mind. We understand how difficult it is to deal with a serious injury as we specialize in assisting injured people on a daily basis. Your focus will be on obtaining the appropriate treatment and care to ensure the best possible recovery.


The Guelph personal injury lawyers at Goodman Halioua LLP are equipped to handle the complex legal and insurance issues arising from your accident. We strive to ensure our clients are able to focus exclusively on their recovery as our Guelph personal injury lawyers advocate for their clients’ entitlements.


Our Guelph personal injury lawyers are dedicated to protecting the rights of accident victims and providing the highest level of client service. If you have been injured, our personal injury lawyers will visit you anywhere in Guelph including your home or local hospital. Our lawyers will assist you in obtaining the most effective rehabilitation team to meet your needs in the Guelph area and we will coordinate with your health care professionals.


The accident lawyers at Goodman Halioua LLP will remain in constant communication with you, your rehabilitation team and the health care professionals involved in your care to ensure we have a full understanding of the issues so we can most successfully resolve your case. In this way, our clients and their loved ones can obtain the financial security they need to move forward with their lives and enjoy a brighter future.


Contact us today for a free Guelph Personal Injury Lawyer consultation by completing the form below or call us toll free at 1-855-GHPI-LAW (447-4529).