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Motorcycle Accidents in Ontario

Motorcycle Accidents in Ontario

A recent article on the Toronto Star's website provides the Ontario Provincial Police's most recent statistics on motorcycle fatalities in Ontario. The article notes that the number of motorcycle fatalities was very high this year. As of August 18, there had been 26 fatal motorcycle collision compared to a total of 29 deaths in 2013. The article can be viewed by clicking on the title of this post....

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Highway 401- Statistically the safest in North America

According to a recent Toronto Star article, Highway 401 is statistically the safest multi-lane roadway system in North America. The article cites the latest data from Ontario's Ministry of Transportation indicating that the highway's fatality rate of .62 per 10,000 licensed drivers is the lowest ever recorded in Ontario and the lowest in North America. The Ministry of Transportation identified the following three areas of Highway 401 as having the highest collision rates on the highway: (1) the six km section from Dixie Road to Mavis Road; (2) the 34 km portion from Neilson Road to Highway 427; and (3) the four km stretch...

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